Revolve Technologies Limited

Revolve Technologies Limited


About us...

story so far…
In 1995 Roush Industries, headquartered in Detroit USA, set-up an
Engineering Services facility in the UK. The one acre site in
Brentwood, Essex was selected as it offered opportunity for engineering
teams with supporting workshops and a separate building to house the
proposed engine dynamometers.

The facility was officially opened in December 1995 and provides
powertrain design, prototyping, development, test and integration
services for the automotive, defence, marine and rail industries.

In 2003 we acquired the assets of the renowned motorsport engine build
business – Mountune Racing, and this was integrated and relocated into
the Brentwood site.

With the onset of the global recession in 2006, Roush decided that a
consolidation of its various business units was necessary. In 2007 the
UK business was acquired through an MBI/MBO, and rebranded Revolve
Technologies, with further investment provided in 2015 from Rockpool, a
UK based Investment Fund.

The Revolve business continues to provide engineering services for a
number of OEM’s, and has had much success in the development of Low
Carbon technologies for both passenger car and rail, and commercial
vehicle applications.

Added to the success of the motorsports business unit, Revolve has also
developed the mountune brand into a global aftermarket tuning business,
supported by automotive OEMs. In 2013 we opened our dedicated facility
in California, to support the mountune activity.

Revolve continue to provide customer focused and engineered solutions
for a wide range of industries, through our dedication, commitment and

Company profile type: 
Company size: 
51-250 employees
Wanted occupational fields: 
Garage Technicians, Stores / Parts coordinator, Electronics, Apprenticeship
Wanted field of studies: 
Electrical Engineering / Electronics, Mechanical engineering

Company Benefits: 

Health Care
Life Assurance

Address information

Prospect House
Prospect Way, Hutton
CM13 1XA

Company Locations


Andrea Hunneybel 
01277 261400